Feeling Inspired
My hope is that this podcast leaves you feeling inspired and supported. In each episode, I explore different topics and areas that can hold us back from living our dreams. I will talk about how to move into a higher vibration in life and how to work through all of the obstacles that get in our way. I am still on my journey and will share examples of some of the challenges I have faced. My intention is to create a community of people all striving to live in their truth and purpose.
Feeling Inspired
Take a Step Back!
Season 2
Episode 8
Take a step back to see the forest through the trees. We can get so deep into a dramatic situation that we can be overcome by emotion that we can make decisions that we regret. The is a lot of power in taking a break and disengaging from the circumstances and connecting with yourself and with a higher truth and then making a move from that vibration. Take a step back and chill out and gain more options and opportunities that you even knew were there.