Feeling Inspired
My hope is that this podcast leaves you feeling inspired and supported. In each episode, I explore different topics and areas that can hold us back from living our dreams. I will talk about how to move into a higher vibration in life and how to work through all of the obstacles that get in our way. I am still on my journey and will share examples of some of the challenges I have faced. My intention is to create a community of people all striving to live in their truth and purpose.
Feeling Inspired
Underestimating the Circumstance and Overestimating your Capacity
Season 3
Episode 4
This Episode is all about getting to know yourself and being honest with yourself. Many of us underestimate a situation and think that it is less complicated than it is. At the same time, we overestimate our capacity. This combination is risky and can lead to burnout. Learning to be real with yourself about your true capacity can really change how you approach situations in general and allow you to avoid putting yourself in bad situations that you actually can't handle.